Monday, December 6, 2010

Living the Beatitudes

 In my personal opinion, I think that Mother Teresa fits all the descriptions of the beatitudes. However, there are two specific beatitudes that I believe she fits most; “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…” and “blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”.   Mother Teresa fits these two beatitudes because she gave the sick and weak strength to carry on. She made them believers of God by preaching his word to them and giving them hope of a better tomorrow. She comforted them in her arms, as they took their last breath; and ensured them that they were going to a better place; heaven. Mother Teresa dedicated her life to others by helping those who were less fortunate.  She stood up for what was right no matter what the consequences; she knew that God was by her side. She fed the hungry, clothed those of need, bathed the sick, and cared for the wounded.  These actions best represent the two beatitudes mentioned previously. 


  1. Yeah, Mother Teresa, the woman who had young children tied to beds and beaten, who reused needles, kept unsanitary homes and hospitals, believed that suffering was a gift, and the mother Teresa which raised $100 million for charity, but only gave about 7% to better the poor, instead opting to spend most of it on the building of churches. Her hospitals had a mortality rate of over 40%! The bitch deserved to die, and her dark and twisted ideology was something to be reviled and treated with utmost disgust.

    1. You have no basis for hate. In fact checking your statements with many sources, you have been found to be incorrect. I will pray for you that you may find the grace and peace that is needed to get passed the lies you are speading. GOD Bless you and peace be with you.

    2. You have no basis for hate. In fact checking your statements with many sources, you have been found to be incorrect. I will pray for you that you may find the grace and peace that is needed to get passed the lies you are speading. GOD Bless you and peace be with you.

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